Fire Tests:
Flame Spread Ratings: Class “A”. When tested in accordance with ASTM E-84 (NFPA 255) the coating obtained the following fire hazard classification.
Surface | Douglas Fir |
Flame Spread Rating | 25 |
Fuel Contributed | 15 |
Smoke Developed | 20 |
Number of preliminary coats | None |
Rate per coat: | |
sq.ft./gal. U.S. (Imp) | 230 (275) |
Number of Overcoats | None |
Surface Preparation:
All surface preparation should be carried out in accordance with good painting practices. Remove all loose peeling or powdery paint from the surface. All dirt, grease, oil, wax and other foreign matter MUST be removed with a detergent, rinse surface thoroughly with clear water and allow to dry. Repair all cracks, holes, and other surface irregularities. Allow to dry, sand lightly and prime repaired surface. All glossy or smooth surfaces should be dulled with sandpaper. For best appearance, new wood surfaces should be sealed with BURN BARRIER™ 3001 Alkyd Prime.
Available in white, off-white and pastel shades, or may be field tinted with most universal tinting colorants. Tinting colorants should not exceed two fluid ounces per gallon.
Standard packaging, 1 gallon, 5 gallon and 55 gallon containers.
CAUTION! Do not take internally. Close container after each use. KEEP OUT OF REACH OF CHILDREN. Protect from freezing. Information provided herein is based on tests believed to be reliable. Inasmuch as Fire Retardants Inc. has no control over the use or application to which others may put this material, we make no guarantee or warranty. Our products are sold on the condition that each user of the material make their own evaluation to determine the material’s suitability for their own particular use.
Color Options: